How can you measure the quality of a black box? Well, quality is, to some extent, trust.
The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.-- Richard Feynman
The competent programmer is fully aware of the strictly limited size of his own skull.-- Edsgar Dijkstra
I like Dijkstra and Feynman, and both people have common traits: some humility about human intelligence and a great enthusiasm about it. In case of Feynman, he is also a personification of curiosity.
NSA should run their nationwide ISP. It should be affordable to anyone and they can totally monitor it. Sounds like a win-win situation.
Here's one of the longest method signature in Cocoa API.
(Jugemu is a classic joke story that features a ridiculously long name. It is also a Japanese name of character Lakitu in Mario games.)
ObamaCare = オバケ (Obake, Ghost)
The other day, I thought I would measure how many lines of code I produce on an average day at work. And it turned out that my maximum speed is about 300 to 400 lines of semi-quality code. Again, this is the maximum speed. The average speed is about 100 lines of code per day. This doesn't seem to depend on a programming language.
All this is not that bad.
So, I came up with this after seeing this idea.
You copy a random text/image on the Internet and paste it in an editor. And it says:
ERROR: You're not allowed to remix this copyrighted material.
$ awk -F sep $ sort -t sep $ cut -d sep